New Seekers
If you are completely new to this work, we encourage you to watch the following video so that you can familiarize yourself with the Philosophy of our school.
These traditional practices are the backbone of the school.
They express the embodiment of the philosophy.
If you want to know / feel, start practicing.
This is Traditional Tantrik Practice from the Kaula Tradition of Kashmir
Perhaps the oldest form of yoga known to us,
Tandava is a very slow, mystical dance that leads to the perception of the Cosmic Body and Attunement to our Infinite Nature . Although very simple to perform , it expresses the complexity of our living existence.
It’s the dance of true Spontaneity and loving Acceptance of ALL that we are.
See Events page to see what we have to offer.
Below is Tandava session with Valentina Leo, drop in and experience this practice...
What is BlissDance?
BlissDance is the ART of dancing the Sacred and Sensual as a movement of AWAKENING.
BlissDance is for those yearning for Presence, Freedom and Truth. It is for the brave spiritual warriors who are not scared to dance their crazy wisdom and the depth of their vulnerability. It is the dance of True Intimacy with Self.
Valentina offers regular in-person BlissDance classes in Cape Town.
See Events page to find out about our next dance.
Session Work
With Olivia Krouwkam
Olivia is a very skilled practitioner in the Tantrik arts, the art of compassionate uncoupling,
and non-violent communication. She works intuitively, meaning she will work with what is needed and what is called for. The more clarity you have in what you want to work with, with more potent the session will be.

Seasoned Seekers
These offerings are only available to you if you have worked with Valentina / Olivia before and you are well acquainted with the teachings of Valentina & the school
- feel free to explore these offerings:
Session Work
With Olivia Krouwkam
Olivia is a very skilled practitioner in the Tantrik arts, the art of compassionate uncoupling,
and non-violent communication. She works intuitively, meaning she will work with what is needed and what is called for. The more clarity you have in what you want to work with, with more potent the session will be.

Session Work
With Valnetina Leo
In session I become your mirror and your tool to serve you best in what you need to see, to understand yourself, experience yourself and expand yourself.
My job is to support you into deep relaxation that will allow you to release any contraction/resistance to see into truth.
When you truly relax into yourself, open and available love can naturally flow. When love flows, intuitive wisdom arises and our perception of reality expands.
From this place you will “heal” yourself. You will be able to live and create in this world just as the Cosmos does – in an endless expansive manifestation.
I call this Endless Cosmic Orgasm. It’s where I come from.
I use a variety of tools, which include – but not limited to – meditation, transfiguration, elements of gestalt therapy, blissdance, breath-work,
touch work, deep movement, sexual shadow work, practices of presence and sexual embodiment.
I use them as the moment dictates, according to my intuition and what you are bringing to the session (your personal enquiry)
The clearer your intention, the stronger the medicine.
Some sessions can involve nudity and physical contact others are just verbal and fully clothed. Some can even be silent.
Some are held in divine chaos (don’t ask!) some in nature, on the phone, in my session room, others at the supermarket or in the bedroom.
Only one thing is common to all sessions: you are loved for who you are and not for what you do.
I work primarily with Seekers of Truth, and with Lovers that have lost their Loving.

3. Personal Intensives
With Valentina Leo
This premium area is reserved for advanced practitioners with some ground awareness in the Tantrik approach to Love, Sex and Relating. If you are new to this work, a few sessions with Olivia are essential.
Personal Intensives are crafted according to the needs and requirements of students.
This is in essence a private retreat - a weekend, week or a month.
Please note, this is by application only.

The Yoga of Relationships
This school is naturally orientated towards the Left Hand path of Tantra that is primarily focused on the awakening of the Individual Self.
None the less, we receive requests from couples to support them in their expansion of their relationships.
Our work prioritizes the individual freedom over the social construct we call 'romantic relationships'.
However, we practice The Yoga of Relationship where we use the relationship as a tool and a practice to culture awareness and find liberation.
1. Self Study
If you'd like to deepen and explore your love affair from the comfort of your home, we suggest you start with the Self Study package, The Yoga of Sex.

2. Sessions
With Olivia Krouwkam
If you are navigating rough water and would like some tools and guidance, we suggest you book a session with Olivia in-person or online.
Olivia is a very skilled practitioner in the Tantrik arts, the art of compassionate uncoupling,
and non-violent communication.

3. Personal Intensives
With Valentina Leo
This premium area is reserved for advanced practitioners with some ground awareness in the Tantrik approach to Love, Sex and Relating. If you are new to this work, a few sessions with Olivia are essential.
Personal Intensives are crafted according to the needs and requirements of students.
This is in essence a private retreat - a weekend, week or a month.
Please note, this is by application only.